The Small Biz Advisor is a member-driven organization that provides small businesses with advice and a wide range of services to encourage and enrich their development and growth.

We are accommodating to a variety of clients; from startups, newly interested groups or individuals on creating a business, to established businesses with successes or troubles alike.

Our strength lies in our members’ passion, knowledge, long business experience and collaborative method in consultancy. Our fees already cover the basic organizational fees, with our members’ (volunteering their services free of charge) liability insurance already included.

Including our consultation sessions and in-house mentoring programs, the following are the services and activities our organization offers and supports:

  • Workshops for building business skills
  • Advisory services, providing mentoring sessions and conferences
  • Summer programs on entrepreneurship for students
  • Training programs on policy-making and organizational management

We invite you to review through our members’ credentials and backgrounds placed below and you are free to engage in dialogue with any of us for any inquiries.