Diligent, fearless, and daring; are what Canadians believe of entrepreneurs. From a conducted survey of over 1,000 Canadians, most of the results showed a positive outlook of entrepreneurs. Breaking it down, one out of ten had a negative opinion, 13% were neutral, and 76% of respondents were positive.
Moreover, when asked to describe entrepreneurs, the aforementioned words (diligent, fearless, daring) were their responses as core attributes.
Ardent Role Models
It was strongly agreed that entrepreneurs were ardent individuals, contributing to the development of the economy and helping in creating jobs for the people within the community by almost half of the respondents. There was also the consideration of Canadians on respecting entrepreneurs as business people who have suffered setbacks and therefore role models in the community.
Not Without Any Challenges
One of the disadvantages of being an entrepreneur is the stress, working long hours, and financial insecurity. Lack of benefits is also the main disadvantage of being an entrepreneur, according to one of our self-employed respondents.
Concurrently also, the advantages of being an entrepreneur are the experience of self-fulfillment, being able to pursue one’s passion, and being your boss. One of the highest benefits for self-employed respondents is flexibility.
Interested in starting their own business
About a quarter of Canadians are interested in starting their own business; 14% want to start one though there is doubt of it happening in the next two years, while 10% intend to start in the next two years.
About 47% of students who have aspired to start their own business are mostly Western Canadians, younger Canadians in the range of 18-34 years old, full-time workers, and men are most probable in vocalizing their desire of doing so.